Illumination terminologies.

Light : light is defined as radiant energy from a hot body which produces the visual sensation upon human eye. Luminous flux (Φ) : It s defined as the total quantity of light energy emmited (radiated) per second from a luminous body like a lamp. Colour vision : The sensation of the color is due to the difference in the wave length of the light radiations. The visible light can have wave length between 4000 A° and 7500 A°. Luminous intensity (I) : The luminous intensity in the direction of the cone is the ratio of flux to the solid angle or it may be defined as the flux emitted by the source per unit solid angle. Its unit is candela or lumens per steradian . Lumen : It is defined as the amount of luminous flux given out in a space represented by one unit of 'solid angle' by a source having an intensity of one candle power in all directions. Lumen is unit of luminous flux. Candle power : candle power of source is defined as t...